Our partnering organizations

Who offers ICDP-training?

Normisjon Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, ICDP is run by HCDP (Healty Childhood Development Porgram), a project of Normisjon Bangladesh. 

Webpage: https://normisjonbd.org/

LAMB hospital

LAMB (hospital) is a Christian International organization which provides values based, service driven, appropriate levels of excellent care that all, especially to the poor & vulnerable, may have abundant life. We serve God through serving the poor.

UNICEF Bangladesh

UNICEF Bangladesh is a national office of the Children’s Fund responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children across Bangladesh.The national office falls under the UNICEF ROSA. UNICEF has launched its 2022-2026 Country Programme, in close coordination with the Bangladesh Government. The main goal is to advance the rights of children, especially those who are unheard and disadvantaged.

Friends of Basha

Friends of Basha is society where girls and women are empowered, valued, accepted and have confidence to contribute to their family, community and nation.

Salvation Army

The Salvation Army is a Christian Church and registered charity, operating in more than 130 countries around the world. The organization has a  mission to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and meet human needs in his name without discrimination.

Healing Heart

Healing Heart aims to make counseling services accessible and affordable for every individual in need irrespective of his/her color, creed, caste, religious, political and socio-economic status.

Our Partners 

We focus on organizations working with:
  • Families and Children: Addressing neglect,  abuse prevention, promoting peace through group meetings and home visits. This includes working with various family contexts, such as general families, those from ethnic minority groups, families in stress and poverty, families and children under protection, and parents in prison.
  • Vulnerable Children and Orphans: Prioritize vulnerable children and orphans’ families within the communities.
  • Primary Health Care Programs: Building competency and sensitizing caregivers about their role in the development of children.
  • Schools: Collaborating with teachers and parents to create a positive classroom atmosphere and enhance communication between pupils and their parents.
  • Children in Institutions: Sensitizing and improving the quality of care.
  • Special Needs Children: Sensitizing caregivers about the psycho-social needs of their children and building their confidence as caregivers.
We are always looking for new partnering organizations. 

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