3 levels of trainings
ICDP Bangladesh offers 3 different trainings. Find the training best fitted for you


I am a caregiver and want to be part of a caregiver-group


I would like to train caregivers 


I am a facilitator who wants to train other facilitators

As a Caregiver you can join a caregiver-group. Each group consist of 6-8 people and will be run by two facilitators . The groups meets for 9 sessions, 2 hours a week. 

What is a Caregiver? A Caregiver is one who has custody of a child or looks after children, for instance teachers and day-care workers.

As a Facilitator you will receive training from Trainers. As part of the training, you will facilitate your own caregiver-group. 
A Facilitator can apply to become Trainers. 
Upcoming event 

Training: Facilitator Training

2nd Workshop

Batch – 1

Date: 5th , 6th & 7th April 2025

Location: Lamb, Parbatipur, Dinajpur

Training: Facilitator Training

1st Workshop

Batch – 1

Date: 27th,28th & 29th April 2025

Location: NCFB, Milk Vita Road, Mirpur-7, Dhaka

Training: Facilitator Training

1st Workshop

Batch – 1

Date: 6th,7th & 8th May 2025  (Not Confirmed)

Location: Disari Camp, Bashkhali, Chittagong

What is your name Gender Phone number E-mail In what district do you live? Level of training you want Do you have any additional information or questions? I agree to the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy Submit

Sign up for the next training close to you

Please enter your full name, gender, phone number, e-mail. Make sure to choose which level of training you are interested in joining. 

If you have any additional information or questions, feel free to add them below